Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Picnic at Pashabache

Yes another picnic this time in a large park called Pashabache on the outskirts of Sivas. As always it is a marathon effort, picking up people and supplies, not to mention the intricate tea making device. Along with eating there is of course music and singing.

The specialty of the picnic is Sivas meatballs which are not balls at all but flat meat patties made out of beef rather than the usual lamb. And yes Murat is cooking yet again.

Arriving at the park I was curious to notice a large mosque and yet there were no houses in the area. Why have a mosque in a park? Well I soon found out as after eating we all wandered off to the mosque for prayers. They asked who I would like them to pray for so I suggested my mum but I don't think it did any good. Maybe not the same God after all.

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