Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Marianne North

While plenty of people have been to Kew Gardens (including me), the visits are usually confined to the main gardens and the glasshouses. While wandering back to the exit I noticed a small building near the perimeter of the gardens. I assumed it was just some administrative building, but then a man just ahead of me went into through an unmarked door - being naturally nosy I followed. Nothing prepared me for the extraordinary display of floor to ceiling paintings by Marianne North.

An intrepid traveler, Marianne North had no formal training (but clearly plenty of money), traveled the world in 1870s painting prolifically as she went. In total she created over 900 works with a general botanical theme, including several of New Zealand. Returning to London, Ms North had a purpose built gallery constructed in the Kew Gardens which opened in 1882.

All the paintings are of a similar size and cover ever centimetre of the wall space. While they lack botanical detail, they exhibit an exuberance and colour that only a true plant enthusiasts could capture. The sign said no photos but I have gotten used to ignoring rules and took a few quick pics.

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