Wednesday, October 9, 2013

At the Lavo Cafe

One of my favourite places to eat from the very first time I came here is the Lavo Cafe - the food is Kurdish plus pizzas and they have great salads which are fresh and different every day. They have a menu in both English and Kurdish with prices, but more often than not several items have run out so now I just ask what they have left. And the prices on the menu never seem to match the price paid and I can't work out how they reach the final bill which is NEVER over 10,000 dinars ($10) and is always less than what I expect.

In the photo is the manager Arez who is incredibly friendly despite having limited English. When I pay he writes down the price in arabic numerals which I then have to read out in Kurdish and then he reads them in English - it is a great way to improve my language skills.

Arez is a bit on the tubby side and he is laughing because I told him to stand straight, stopping breathing and put in his fat stomach just like I was doing.....

1 comment:

  1. Peter, as I can't "like" your blog I am forced to leave a comment to prove I read and really enjoy your news, please keep them coming as you write so well. Thanks.
